The stem is thin, branched, fertile and elongated. The stem has hair that opens or is hairless and roots from the node. The leaves are 3 double leaves, 5 to 20 mm in length and have a bluish green color throughout. The leaflets are 5 to 15 mm in length and 4 to 15 mm in width, falling from oval to elliptical, with blunt to round heads and short or little peduncles at the base. The leaflets are thin, with almost no hair on the front, slightly crimped hair on the back and a slightly powdery white edge, with rough, tooth-like saw teeth on the edges. The flowers are single and shoot on the stem, but seem to grow against the leaves. The flower is yellow with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm, the floral pattern is thin and the length is 1 to 4 cm. There are also 5 petals, ranging from a broad fallen egg shape to a fallen egg shape, with a slightly recessed tip and a length of 3 to 4 mm. The flower bed in the fruit stage is hemispherical, slightly bulging, and has short hair. The fruit has a large number of fruits, and the fruits are broad egg-shaped with a length of about 1 mm, brown, hairless, and irregular vertical stripes on the surface.