Like other similar perennial weeds, russian knapweed is most commonly managed by depleting the food sources within its roots. This is achieved by removing aerial parts of the plant through cutting, mowing, disking etc. a number of times during the season, especially before the plant produces flowers and fruits. Russian knapweed is a very persistent plant, so this can be an ongoing battle. For this reason, it is advised to also plant some perennial grasses that can compete with russian knapweed and reduce its spread potential.
The use of herbicides is not advised. There are also some biological agents that can be used for russian knapweed control (e.g. the gall wasp Aulacidea acroptilonica, the gall midge Jaapiella ivannikovi). If you opt for biopesticides, consult an agricultural expert to find what is the best species for your geographical area.