Hairy feathergrass originates from central and eastern Europe. It's primarily considered a weed due to its high adaptability and equally high reproductive potential. It's capable of surviving in a wide range of environments, even those with poor soil conditions. As a prolific seed producer, it quickly spreads and swamp other plants in the vicinity, depriving them of vital resources like sunlight, soil nutrients, and water. This rapid and aggressive growth is particularly harmful for gardens, where plant diversity and balance are crucial. To ascertain if hairy feathergrass is growing in your garden, look out for its telltale features - it’s a perennial grass that grows about 60 cm high and has a distinctive feather-like seed head, which is hairy and silver in appearance. It primarily spreads through seed dispersal, aided by wind, water, and even human activity. These characteristics make hairy feathergrass a resilient weed, but also attractive for intentional cultivation.