Plant Collection Most Common Herb Fragrant plantain lily See More The trademark feature of Asia-native plantain lilies is the numerous glossy oval leaves with deep parallel veins. The Fragrant plantain lily is additionally decorated with strongly fragrant, trumpet-shaped, large white flowers, which are unique in the genus. Hosta plantaginea is one of the favorite cultivatedContinue reading “Most Common Herb”
Plant Collection 12 Flowers That Grow Well With Vegetables While a vegetable garden may be well-appreciated at harvest time, it doesn’t exactly provide a feast for the eyes. But did you know that you can have both? The plant species on this list make excellent companions to garden vegetables while brightening up your plot, attractingContinue reading “12 Flowers That Grow Well With Vegetables”
Plant Collection Most Common Herb Golden pothos See More The Golden pothos is a popular flowering house plant that’s commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including “devil’s ivy,” because it is so hard to kill, and can grow in the dark. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, soContinue reading “Most Common Herb”
Plant Collection 17 Easy Annual Flowers That You Can Grow From Seeds What could be more natural than pushing a seed into the earth, or scattering a handful across the ground? And yet, we all know the disappointment that can come from planting seeds only to find nothing happening. Don’t let this turn you off fromContinue reading “17 Easy Annual Flowers that You Can Grow from Seeds”
Plant Collection 17 Easy Annual Flowers That You Can Grow From Seeds What could be more natural than pushing a seed into the earth, or scattering a handful across the ground? And yet, we all know the disappointment that can come from planting seeds only to find nothing happening. Don’t let this turn you off fromContinue reading “17 Easy Annual Flowers that You Can Grow from Seeds”