From Ground: Start by watering the dwarf chenille plant well to make the soil moist and easier to dig through. With a garden fork or spade, carefully dig a wide area around the plant, ensuring you don't damage the root ball. Work the tool under the root ball, gently prying the plant loose from the soil. Lift it carefully and immediately place it into a container or bag to prevent roots from drying.
From Pot: Water the plant well and use a trowel to loosen the soil along the sides of the pot. Invert the pot, hold onto the plant's base and give it a little shake and tug. The dwarf chenille plant should slide out along with its root ball. Handle it carefully to avoid damage to the roots.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray thoroughly. Use a small stick or even a spoon to lift out the dwarf chenille plant from its cell, making sure to get as much of the root ball as possible. Handle the seedlings gently by the leaves rather than the stems.