From Ground: Begin with watering the palmer's century plant plant to soften the soil around it. Follow this by digging a ring around the plant with the shovel, making sure to maintain a safe distance to avoid injury to the roots. Once you have loosened the plant, carefully dig underneath and lift the root ball up while preserving as much of the root system as possible.
From Pot: Ideally, try to transplant the palmer's century plant when the soil is dry. This will allow the plant to slide out of the pot more easily. Turn the pot sideways, hold the plant gently, and tap the rim of the pot on a hard surface. This should loosen the plant, allowing you to pull it out, along with its soil and root system.
From Seedling Tray: Gently hold the palmer's century plant seedling by its leaves to avoid damaging the stem, and turn the tray upside down to allow the plant to fall out. Be careful to keep the root system as intact as possible.