From Ground: Begin by
watering the black alder plant to moisten the soil. This makes it easier to remove the plant without damaging the root ball. After watering, use a spade or shovel to dig around the plant. Make sure your trench has a diameter at least twice that of the plant's width. Slant your shovel or spade outward as you dig to avoid cutting into the roots. Once your trench is complete, gently work your shovel under the root ball. Exercise patience and delicacy to keep the root ball intact. Lift the plant from the ground and proceed to the transplanting process.
From Pot: Start by moistening the soil in the pot with water. Tip the pot on its side and roll it gently. This process is intended to loosen the root ball inside the pot. Pull the black alder plant gently from the pot while tapping the base. Make sure you keep the root ball intact.
From Seedling Tray: Gently squeeze the bottom of each cell of the tray to make the seedling and root ball pop out. Doing this ensures minimal root disruption. Handle the black alder plant carefully to avoid damaging the tender stem or roots.