From Ground: First, water the large bullwort plant to dampen the soil to make digging easier. Using a garden fork, carefully loosen the soil around the plant till you can easily get your hand around the root ball of the plant. Once loosened, gently lift the plant from the ground while keeping as much of the root ball intact as possible.
From Pot: If you are removing the large bullwort plant from a pot, make sure to water it first to help the plant slide easier from the pot. Tip the pot sideways, and then gently pull on the base of the plant, allowing it to slide out. If the plant is sticking, tap around the pot to loosen the soil. If the plant doesn’t come out easily, it is likely root-bound. In this case, you may need to break the pot to free the plant, being careful not to harm the plant or its roots.
From Seedling Tray: Carefully water the seedling tray and gently push the large bullwort seedling out from the tray from its base, making sure not to pull at the stem. If the seedling doesn’t come out easily from the soil block, use a pencil or similar slim object to push it up from the bottom.