From Ground: To start, water the painted echeveria slightly to moisten the surrounding soil. This will make digging easier and also help prevent root damage. Use your shovel to carefully dig around the plant, creating a wide berth so as to not cut into the roots. Once you've sufficiently loosened the soil, gently lift the plant from its original location. Be careful to keep the root ball and surrounding soil intact as much as possible.
From Pot: If painted echeveria is in a pot, watering it a couple hours before you plan to transplant can make the process smoother. Turn the pot upside down and gently tap it to dislodge the plant. Hold onto the base of the plant and not the stem to avoid damaging it.
From Seedling Tray: If painted echeveria is in a seedling tray, gently poke it from the bottom to remove it. Handle the seedlings by their leaves if necessary, and not the stems, as the stems can easily be bruised or broken.