From Ground: Initially, water the pearly everlasting plant to dampen the soil. Afterwards, dig a prominent trench around the plant using a garden spade or hand trowel, ensuring the root ball of the plant remains unharmed. Gentle work the spade under the root ball to lift the plant from its spot.
From Pot: Begin by watering the pearly everlasting plant to ease the extraction of the plant. Invert the pot while holding your hand on the soil surface with the plant stem between your fingers. Give the pot some gentle taps to loosen it. The plant should slide out along with the root ball intact.
From Seedling Tray: Water the pearly everlasting plant. Then, using a small tool like a spoon or even a stick, gently remove the seedling along with its roots from the tray. While doing so, ensure that the root system is intact and minimally disturbed.