From Ground: First, water the blue-eyed african daisy plant. This will soften the ground around it and minimize root damage. Then, use a shovel to start digging around the plant, being careful not to cut into the plant's root system. After a trench is created around the plant, you can gently slip the shovel underneath and pull up the plant along with its root ball. The plant should easily detach and can then be moved to its new location.
From Pot: Water the blue-eyed african daisy plant in the pot until the soil is moist but not soggy. Tip the plant sideways, hold it gently by the stems, and tap the bottom of the pot to loosen it. You should then be able to pull the plant and all its soil out of the pot.
From Seedling Tray: Gently separate the blue-eyed african daisy seedling from others by loosening the soil around it with your fingers or a small trowel. Grasp it by its leaves, not by the stem, and carefully lift it out. Ensure that as much of the roots as possible are attached when lifting the seedling from the tray.