From Ground: Water the brome-like sedge plant to dampen the soil making it easier to work with. Using a shovel or garden spade, carefully dig a wide circumference around the plant, ensuring a generous amount of soil and roots are included. Lever the spade gently under the root ball to ease the plant out of the ground without causing damage.
From Pot: Water the brome-like sedge plant to ensure the soil is moist and roots are less likely to break. Turn the pot to its side and gently tap or shake it to loosen the brome-like sedge from its container. Carefully slide the plant out, supporting the root ball with your hand.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedlings well before transplanting. Use a hand trowel or a dibber to ease each brome-like sedge seedling out of the cell, handling the seedlings by their leaves or root ball to avoid damaging the stem.