From Ground: Firstly, water the seersucker sedge plant to moisten the soil making it easier to dig out. Then, use a trowel to dig around the plant, ensuring that you're not damaging the root ball while maintaining a safe distance from the base of the plant. Following that, carefully slide the trowel under the root ball, lifting the plant along with a large clump of soil. Be careful not to wiggle or jostle the plant too much to avoid stress and damage to the plant.
From Pot: Before removing the seersucker sedge plant from the pot, water it properly. Tip the pot on its side, then gently tap it to loosen the soil and roots. Now, carefully slide the plant out maintaining the as much soil intact with the roots as possible. If it's stuck, avoid pulling on the plant, instead use a knife or stick to loosen the soil around the edge of the pot.
From Seedling Tray: Depending upon the size of the seersucker sedge plant, use a spoon or small trowel to dig it out gently, making sure the roots and their surrounding soil remain as intact as possible.