From Ground: Start by watering the grape ivy plant well to dampen the soil around it. Then, dig a trench around the plant with a shovel or garden spade, ensuring to keep the plant's roots intact as much as possible. Carefully lift the plant from its original location using the shovel/spade under the root ball. Do ensure not to harm the roots in the process.
From Pot: If the grape ivy plant is in a pot, water it well first. Then, gently lay the pot on its side and try to slide the plant out. If required, you can gently tap the bottom of the pot to help shake the plant loose. Be careful not to damage the roots while doing this.
From Seedling Tray: Similarly, water the seedlings well. Then, gently tease the grape ivy plant out from its cell in the tray using a dibber or pencil. Make sure to handle it by a leaf, not by the stem or roots which are fragile and can easily get damaged.