From Ground: To begin with, water the wrinkle-leaved rockrose plant to dampen the soil for easier digging. Then, using a shovel or a garden fork, dig a wide boundary around it, taking care to maintain the plant's root ball intact. Carefully work your tool under the root ball to lift the plant from its original location.
From Pot: If wrinkle-leaved rockrose is in a pot, it should be watered first to help loosen the soil. Grasp the base of the plant and gently tip the pot upside down, using your other hand to catch the plant as it comes loose. If the plant is refusing to come loose, avoid tugging it and instead use a trowel to gently loosen the soil and roots from the sides of the pot.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedlings well in advance of transplanting to ensure they are hydrated. Using a small tool or your fingers, tenderly lift the seedlings out of their cavities, ensuring minimal root disturbance. Always try to handle the seedlings by their leaves and not by their delicate stems.