From Ground: Before removing slender deutzia from the ground, make sure to water the surrounding soil to ensure it is damp but not soaked. Using a spade, carefully dig a wide circle around slender deutzia ensuring not to damage its root system. Once you see the full spread of the roots, slip the spade under the root ball and lift slender deutzia out of the ground.
From Pot: To remove slender deutzia from its pot, water the soil and allow it to drain. Next, place your hand over the top of the pot, with the main stem of the plant between your fingers. With a slow and steady pull, inversely slide the pot off.
From Seedling Tray: However, if slender deutzia is being transplanted from a seedling tray, lightly squeeze the base of the individual cell to expose the root ball. Carefully lift slender deutzia by the leaves and not the stem, avoiding any damage to its tender young root system.