From Ground: To begin, thoroughly water the japanese persimmon plant to dampen and loosen the soil. Use a spade or shovel to carefully dig a wide trench around the plant, ensuring the root ball remains intact. Be gentle and patient when working the spade under the root ball to lift the plant out of the ground.
From Pot: Start by
watering the japanese persimmon plant. Tip the pot sideways gently and while supporting the plant base, tap the edge of the pot on a hard surface. This action should slide the plant out along with its root ball. If the plant is stuck, you may have to cut the pot away.
From Seedling Tray: Gently grab the japanese persimmon by its leaves, not the stem, and tug it upwards. The seedling should come out with its roots and some soil attached. Handle it carefully as seedlings are a lot more fragile.