From Ground: First, water the mexican hens 'Lady Aquarius' plant lightly to dampen the soil. Then, using a small shovel or garden fork, dig a wide trench around the plant, ensuring you avoid damaging the root system. Carefully work the tool under the root ball and lift the plant from its original location.
From Pot: Water the mexican hens 'Lady Aquarius' plant a few hours before the transplant to help it slide out more easily. Gently tap or squeeze the pot to loosen the soil. Carefully turn the pot upside down and support the plant with your other hand as it slides out, ensuring you maintain the integrity of the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: Water the mexican hens 'Lady Aquarius' plant before removing it. Use a small tool like a pencil or dibber to tease the plant out by gently pushing from the bottom of the cell. Be careful not to damage the delicate roots, and keep as much of the original soil around the roots as possible.