From Ground: Begin with watering the mediterranean Spurge plant to moisten the soil, making it easier to work with. Carefully dig a circle with a shovel or spade at least 12 inches away from the base to avoid damaging any roots. Gradually deepen the circle until you can safely get underneath the root ball. Lift the plant gently to minimize root disturbance.
From Pot: Water the mediterranean Spurge plant well. Turn the pot sideways and tap the sides to loosen the soil. Gently pull the plant by the base of the main stem and ease it out. Be careful not to shake or tug forcefully, which can damage the roots.
From Seedling Tray: Moisten the soil to make it pliable. Use a small utensil or your fingers to ease the seedling out of the tray while supporting the base of the stem. Try not to disturb the surrounding seedlings or pull up too much soil with the roots.