From Ground: Start the removal process by watering the pincushion euphorbia plant gently to dampen the soil, which makes it easier to remove. With your gloves on, use a trowel or spade to dig around the plant, leaving a generous amount of room to avoid damaging or cutting the roots. Once you've dug enough, carefully get under the root ball and lift the pincushion euphorbia from its original location. Avoid shaking or knocking off excess soil from the roots.
From Pot: If the pincushion euphorbia is in a pot, first water it well. Then, carefully turn the pot on its side and gently coax the plant out. Remember, do not tug at the stems or leaves of the plant as this can cause injury.
From Seedling Tray: If your pincushion euphorbia plant is a seedling, gently squeeze the bottom of each cell on the tray. This helps to release the plant without causing damage. Then, carefully lift the seedling by its leaves, not the stem, pulling it from its cell.