From Ground: First, water the yuma sandmat plant to dampen the soil. Then, dig a wide trench around the plant using a shovel or spade, ensuring the plant's root ball remains intact. Carefully work the spade under the root ball to lift the plant from its original location. Be gentle to minimize root damage.
From Pot: Begin by watering the yuma sandmat plant in its container to make the soil more pliable. Gently tap the sides of the pot and invert it, supporting the plant with your other hand. If the plant doesn't slide out, use a knife to loosen the soil along the edges of the pot. Carefully guide the plant out while preserving the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedlings thoroughly before starting. Use a garden trowel or a spoon to gently lift each yuma sandmat seedling from its cell, being careful not to tug on the plant but instead focusing on lifting the soil around the roots.