From Ground: Water the nepal fig deeply a day before to ensure the soil is moist and roots are hydrated. Dig a wide trench around the plant, keeping distance from the main trunk to prevent root damage. Use a shovel to loosen the soil, working under the root ball. Gently tip the plant to one side to slide the shovel underneath and lift it from the ground.
From Pot: Start by watering the nepal fig to make the root ball less brittle. Place your hand over the top of the pot, with the plant stem between your fingers. Turn the pot upside down, tapping the bottom to encourage the root ball to slide out. Support the plant as it comes out to prevent it from dropping.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedlings to ensure easy removal. Gently push the bottom of the seedling tray to lift the individual plant. Hold the seedling by the leaves, not the stem, and ease it out of the tray.