From Ground: First, water the governor's plum thoroughly to dampen the soil. Then, dig a wide trench around the plant using a shovel or spade, ensuring you do not damage the root ball. Carefully work the tool under the root ball to lift the governor's plum from its current location.
From Pot: Begin by watering the governor's plum well. Turn the pot to its side and gently tap the edges to loosen the soil. If the plant does not slide out easily, run a hand trowel around the inside edge of the pot. Carefully tip the pot over and ease the governor's plum out while supporting the plant at the base.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedlings to make the soil moist. Use a hand trowel or spoon to carefully dig around the edges of the individual governor's plum seedling you are transplanting. Gently tease the seedling out, making sure to keep as much soil around the roots as possible.