From Ground: First, water the treasure flowers 'Aztec' plant to dampen the soil, making it easier to work with. Then, gently use a garden fork to loosen the soil around the plant. Use a spade or shovel to dig a trench around the plant, allowing enough space to avoid cutting into the root ball. Carefully slide the shovel underneath and lift the treasure flowers 'Aztec' plant out of the ground with its root ball intact.
From Pot: Start by watering the soil to ease the removal of the treasure flowers 'Aztec' plant. Turn the pot sideways, hold the plant at its base and gently tap the bottom of the pot to help loosen the soil's grip. Tip the plant out into your hand and clear away any loose or excess soil without damaging the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: Moisten the soil in the seedling tray prior to removal to prevent stress to the treasure flowers 'Aztec' plant. Use a trowel or your fingers to loosen the soil around the seedling. Gently lift the treasure flowers 'Aztec' plant by its leaves, not the stem, to remove it from its tray slot, keeping the root ball and as much soil as possible intact.