From Ground: First, water the common globe amaranth plant to dampen the soil. Then, use your trowel or spade to carefully dig a wide trench around the plant ensuring the root ball remains intact. Work gently under the root ball to lift the common globe amaranth from its original location. Ensure enough soil is sticked with roots as possible to reduce shock and maintain stability.
From Pot: Similarly, water the plant in the pot before starting. Turn the pot slightly sideways, and gently pull the common globe amaranth plant by holding its base. Avoid yanking hard, instead, tap the bottom of the pot to loosen the soil and slide the plant out. Keep the root ball and attached soil intact.
From Seedling Tray: Use a small tool like a spoon or spatula to gently lift the seedlings from their trays, being careful to lift from under the roots to avoid damaging them. Keep the root system and surrounding soil intact while doing so.