From Ground: Initially, water the algerian iris plant mildly to just dampen the soil. Then, use a shovel or spade, dig a large circle around the plant, keeping in mind to not to damage root system. After you've dug deep enough, carefully work the shovel under the root ball to uplift the plant from the ground.
From Pot: If the algerian iris is in a pot, first, tap the side of the pot gently to loosen the soil. Then, hold the plant at base and pull it out gently from the pot. If the plant seems hard to remove, try moistening the soil. Avoid tugging harshly as it can damage the root system.
From Seedlings Tray: If transplanting from a seedling tray, gently hold each algerian iris at the root ball, flipping the tray to the side if necessary, and coax it out from the tray.