From Ground: Water the american Dune Grass thoroughly to ensure the soil is moist and easier to work with. With a shovel or spade, carefully dig around the plant to a depth that minimizes disturbance to the root system. Pry up the root ball cautiously, maintaining as much of the soil around the roots as possible for support during the transfer.
From Pot: Water american Dune Grass to moisten the soil, making it more cohesive. Gently tip the pot on its side and coax the plant out by tapping the bottom or sides of the pot. Support the plant by the base and avoid pulling by the stems or foliage.
From Seedling Tray: Irrigate the seedling tray to avoid damaging the delicate root systems. Use a fork or a specialized tool to lift the american Dune Grass seedlings out of each cell, holding them by the leaves and not the more fragile stems.