From Ground: To remove yulan magnolia from the ground, you should first water the plant to moisten the soil. Then, using a shovel or garden fork, dig a broad perimeter around the plant, taking care to keep root ball intact. Work the tool under the root ball to carefully lift the plant out from its original location.
From Pot: If yulan magnolia is in a pot, you should begin by watering the plant. Then, gently tilt the pot to the side and slowly slide the plant out, making sure to keep the root ball intact. If the plant doesn't move, tap lightly on the sides or bottom of the pot to dislodge it.
From Seedling Tray: If yulan magnolia is in a seedling tray, use a small tool like a spoon or butter knife to carefully lift out each seedling by digging around the circumference of its base. Always handle the seedling by its leaves- if those get damaged it can grow new ones, but damage to the stem can be fatal.