From Ground: Before digging up your tenweeks stock plant, water it thoroughly to reduce the stress of transplantation. Next, dig a wide circle around the plant with a trowel or garden spade, making sure not to cut into the root ball. Gently pry the plant out of the ground, preserving as much of the root structure as possible.
From Pot: Water the tenweeks stock plant and allow it to sit for a few minutes before gently tipping it on its side. Apply mild pressure to loosen the plant and soil from the pot. If roots are tightly wound, gently tease apart the root ball before transplanting.
From Seedling Tray: Carefully lift the tenweeks stock seedling by its leaves, not by the stem. If the seedling doesn't come out with a gentle tug, use a utensil like a spork or tongue depressor to loosen the soil and help ease it out. Handle the young plant carefully to avoid damaging the delicate roots.