From Ground: Gently water the area around rampion mignonette to make the soil easier to work with. Use a spade or shovel to dig carefully around rampion mignonette, ensuring enough distance to avoid cutting into the root ball. Once you've dug a sufficient trench, slide the shovel beneath rampion mignonette and lift it, preserving as much of the root structure as possible.
From Pot: Water rampion mignonette lightly, then tip the pot sideways and tap the bottom to encourage the plant to slide out. Support rampion mignonette by the base as it comes out of the pot to avoid damaging the stem or roots.
From Seedling Tray: Moisten the soil to ease removal. Gently push rampion mignonette up from the bottom of the cell or use a tool like a dibber to ease it out, while supporting the plant鈥檚 base to minimize stress to the young seedling.