From Ground: Water the nippon lily plant to dampen the soil which will make it easier to remove it from the ground without damaging the roots. Using a trowel or spade, dig a wide circle around the plant, taking care to avoid damaging the roots. Next, carefully work the spade under the root ball and gently lift the plant. If the root ball is large or heavy, wrap it in a burlap sack or large plastic bag to prevent damage during the transplant.
From Pot: Water your nippon lily in its pot before starting the process. Turn the pot sideways, hold the plant gently by its base, and tap the bottom of the plant container until the plant slides out. Be sure to not overly pull or strain the plant while doing this. Use a garden pruner to trim any excessively long or damaged roots.
From Seedling Tray: Water the soil in the tray to loosen it and then gently separate the nippon lily seedling you want to transplant. Handle the seedling by its leaves, if possible, and not by its stem as it is delicate and can be easily damaged. Be careful to avoid damaging any roots in the process.