From Ground: Firstly, water the soil of virginia rose to make it easier to pull out. Use your shovel or spade to dig around the plant, ensuring the root ball remains intact. Once the digging is finished, carefully insert the shovel under the root ball and slowly lift the plant. Place virginia rose on the tarp for transportation to the new location.
From Pot: If virginia rose is in a pot, the first step is to water the soil. This will help to keep the rootball together during the transplanting process. Carefully tip the pot sideways, placing your hand over the top to support the plant, and gently shake it free. Use the garden knife to cut through any roots sticking to the pot.
From Seedling Tray: If you’re transplanting virginia rose from a seedling tray, moisten the soil first. Carefully push up from the base to remove the seedling. Remember to handle the seedling by its leaves to prevent any root damage.