From Ground: Begin by watering the copper iris thoroughly to moisten the soil around its root ball. With a shovel or spade, cut a wide circle into the soil around the root ball, being careful not to damage the roots. Pry up the soil to lift plant and root ball out from the ground. If the roots are entangled with the soil too firmly, you can use a garden knife to sever stubborn roots.
From Pot: Water the copper iris in its pot so that the root ball is nice and moist. Tip the plant sideways in your hand, supporting the main stem in one hand while gently pulling the pot off with your other hand. Do not pull by the stem or foliage.
From Seedling Tray: If you’re transplanting copper iris from a seedling tray, gently squeeze the plastic cell to loosen the soil. Hold onto the leaf, not the stem, and pull the seedling out. If the seedling doesn't slide out easily, roll the tray back and forth in your hands and try again.