From Ground: Start by watering the cotton fruit plant until the soil around it is damp. This makes the soil looser and easier to work with. Using a shovel or trowel, gently dig around the plant, making sure not to cut into the plant's root ball. Once the plant feels loose, carefully lift it from the hole.
From a Pot: In this scenario, make sure the soil in the pot is moist before beginning. Tip the pot sideways while holding the plant from its base. Slowly slide the cotton fruit plant out of the pot while keeping the root ball intact.
From a Seedling Tray: If the cotton fruit plant is in a seedling tray, make sure the soil is moist beforehand. Gently press beneath the seedling from the bottom of the tray to remove it. Hold the seedling by its leaves so as not to damage the stem or roots. Make sure the root ball is kept intact.