From Ground: Start by moistening the soil around palmer's sedum. With your gardening shovel, dig a circle around the plant that's large enough to include all the roots. Go around this circle a couple of times, gradually going deeper each time, until you can carefully lift the plant and its root ball out of the ground.
From Pot: Water the palmer's sedum, then turn the pot sideways while placing your hand over the base of the plant. Most of the time, the plant and its root ball will slide out with a little shaking and pulling. If it's a larger plant, you may need to tap the pot gently on its side to dislodge the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: Use a garden trowel or a similar tool to loosen the soil around the palmer's sedum seedling. Then, hold the base of the plant and carefully lift it, making sure not to damage the fragile roots.