How to identify California fuchsia (Epilobium canum)
California fuchsia, also known as Zauschneria, Firechalice
California fuchsia is recognized by its woody base and dense, spreading growth habit. It can reach heights between 2 to 5 feet (60 to 150 cm) and is known for its striking reddish-orange, tubular blooms that appear in summer and fall. These flowers are adapted to attract hummingbirds. California fuchsia thrives in full sun and is well suited to dry conditions, revealing its drought tolerance. Below 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9 degrees Celsius), california fuchsia can still persist, indicating a degree of cold hardiness.
Woody base with dense, spreading growth habit.
Striking reddish-orange tubular blooms in summer and fall.
Adapted to attract hummingbirds with its flowers.
Thrives in full sun and dry conditions, showing drought tolerance.
Can persist below 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9 degrees Celsius), indicating cold hardiness.
Scientific Classification of California fuchsia