The willowherbs (Epilobium) are a large and highly diverse group of flowering plants in the evening primrose family. Willowherbs can be extremely hardy plants, and they are often some of the first to colonize disturbed or burnt landscapes. Many willowherbss are used symbolically or in crests or sigils - Fireweed (C. angustifolium), for instance, is the official flower of the Yukon Territory, and is displayed on its flag.
Willowherbs thrives in moist habitats and prefers consistent moisture, tolerating neither drought nor waterlogging. It requires moderate watering, ideally once a week. Growing vigorously outdoors during the rainy season, willowherbs benefits from natural precipitation, reducing the need for supplemental irrigation.
Propagation of willowherbs can be achieved through seed sowing, cuttings, or division. Key success factors include moderate light, consistent moisture, and well-drained soil. Minimize root disturbance when dividing or taking cuttings, with sowing requiring stratification and bright, indirect light until germination.
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