How to identify Silver Dollar Plant (Xerosicyos danguyi)
Silver Dollar Plant, also known as Penny Plant
Silver Dollar Plant is a climbing succulent vine known for its capacity to reach heights of 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters) with the aid of slender forked tendrils. It features cylindrical gray stems branching from the base and carries alternately arranged, nearly round leaves that grow up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. The leaves display a lifecycle color change from pea green to gray-green. This vine may showcase small, chartreuse, dioecious flowers in late winter to early spring. It's characterized by its slow initial growth that transitions to a moderate pace once established and shows resilience with minimal watering.
Climbing succulent vine reaching 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters) with forked tendrils.
Round leaves up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide, changing color from pea green to gray-green.
Cylindrical gray stems branching from the base.
Small chartreuse dioecious flowers appearing in late winter to early spring.
Resilient plant with slow initial growth transitioning to moderate pace with minimal watering.
Scientific Classification of Silver Dollar Plant