How often should I water my African marigold?
African marigold needs water regularly throughout the growing season. Beginning in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once per week. As the season presses on and grows warmer, you may need to increase your watering rate to about two to three times per week. Exceeding at this rate can be detrimental to your African marigold. With that said, you should also ensure that the soil in which your African marigold grows remains relatively moist but not wet, regardless of how often you must water to make that the case. Watering African marigold that lives in a pot is a bit different. Generally, you'll need to increase your watering frequency, as the soil in a pot can heat up and dry out a bit faster than ground soil. As such, you should plan to water a container-grown African marigold a few times per week in most cases, versus just once per week for an in-ground plant.
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African marigold
African marigold
A species of Marigolds, also known as Flower of the dead, Mexican marigold
Botanical name: Tagetes erecta
Genus: Marigolds
African marigold is a common garden plant with bright orange or red flowers. Its use in decorative and ceremonial gardens dates back to ancient Aztec civilizations. Not only does african marigold add bright colors, but it is also known to repel insects, rabbits, and deer thanks to its toxic latex.
Garden Use
Garden Use
Plants of the Tagetes genus are excellent ornamental annuals with great adaptability. They can be planted in courtyards and are easy to care for. Their flowers are often golden, yellow, or brown and very bright. Their leaves are split and feather-shaped, and blooming lasts the whole summer through late autumn. They are usually planted for flower beds, borders, and cut flowers.
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