Is Spotted water hemlock toxic to humans?
Spotted water hemlock is extremely poisonous when ingested, and potentially fatal. The toxin contained in all parts of the plant are rapidly absorbed into the body and affect the inhibitory neurons in the brain, causing convulsions and respiratory failure. Consuming any part of spotted water hemlock is often fatal. Some children have died after only sucking on the stems. Symptoms of spotted water hemlock poisoning include fever, dizziness, diarrhea, stomach pain, bloat, convulsions, seizures, muscle spams, dilated pupils, and respiratory issues. This plant is found in marshy areas throughout the United States and is often mistaken for parsnips.
Is Spotted water hemlock toxic to cat?
The spotted water hemlock is severely toxic to cats; ingestion can lead to a medical emergency. The plant doesn't have a bitter taste so animals are known to eat large amounts of it. Its toxin causes symptoms quite rapidly, including cardiac dysfunction, diarrhea, dilated pupils, panting, seizures, and death. It's imperative you get your cat to a veterinarian if you suspect s/he has consumed even a small amount of spotted water hemlock.
Is Spotted water hemlock toxic to dog?
Spotted water hemlock is extremely toxic to dogs - immediate veterinary attention is required if you suspect your dog has consumed any amount of this plant. All parts of the spotted water hemlock contain dangerous concentrations of cicutoxin, which may cause multiple organ failure if eaten in sufficient quantities. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and difficulty breathing are common symptoms of mild or moderate cicutoxin poisoning. In severe cases, paralysis, coma, and death may occur.
The judgment on toxicity and danger is for reference only. We DO NOT GUARANTEE any accuracy of such judgment. Therefore, you SHALL NOT rely on such judgment. It is IMPORTANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE in advance when necessary.