Bur Chervil originates from Europe and North Africa, a hardy weed thriving in waste lands and disturbed soil. It's considered a weed due to its aggressive growth and prolific reproduction, both by seeds and a rhizomatous root system. Bur Chervil can choke out the growth of preferred plant varieties, altering the balance of local ecosystems. It possesses sharp spines that can cause physical harm to individuals coming in contact with it, making it a significant problem for unsuspecting gardeners. Bur Chervil is particularly destructive in gardens where it outcompetes desired plants for resources, thereby reducing yield and overall aesthetic appeal. The primary method of dispersal is via seeds which are easily transported by wind, water runoff and through human or animal activity. This makes controlling the spread of this plant a challenging task for gardeners. In summary, bur Chervil's hardiness, rapid reproduction, aggressive growth, and painful spines make it a harmful and undesirable weed in gardens.