Cape dandelion, also known as Cape dandelion, originates from the South Africa region. It has adapted remarkably well to different climates, which is one of the reasons for its widespread distribution and invasive nature. Cape dandelion earns its weed status due to its fast and vigorous growth, persistence, and the ability to reproduce both sexually via seeds and vegetatively, allowing the plant to spread quickly. It can easily outcompete native flora, disrupt ecosystems, and negatively impact gardens by absorbing nutrients, sunlight, and water that other plants need to thrive. If you decide to grow cape dandelion in your garden, be aware of its rapid spread, which can quickly take over other plants. It's essential to manage its growth to prevent it from becoming a garden thug. Cape dandelion primarily propagates by releasing fluffy, wind-borne seeds, much like a typical dandelion. This type of seed dispersal enables the plant to colonize new areas swiftly, contributing further to its weed status.