It is an evergreen shrub but is sometimes quite tall. The height is usually about 2 m to several meters, but sometimes it reaches 10 m. The trunk diameter can also be 60 cm. The branches are grey-brown to grey-red, with light brown scale hair when young. Leaves are alternating, narrow oval to fall oval, or narrow oval oval. The leaf tip is round, the edge is smooth and the base gradually narrows or suddenly narrows, followed by a petiole of about 5 to 8 mm in length. The size of the leaf blades is 7 to 12 cm long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, the leaf quality is thick and the surface is not glossy. The front surface is green, the back surface is pale green, the middle ribs protrude, and the side veins come out at a large angle and are thin and numerous. In addition, there are pale brown scaly hairs when young. The leaves turn grayish brown when dry. The inflorescences come out from the leaf buds above the branches and become scattered or scattered. The branches of the inflorescence are thick, 2.5 to 5 cm long, the floret is 7 to 10 mm long and has brown scaly hairs. The fruits are spherical and ripen in black-purple, and the size is 7 to 8 mm.