Yellow trailing bellflower (Cyananthus flavus) is a wildflower native to parts of Asia that produces bell-shaped flowers in purple, yellow, or white in late summer. Its genus name comes from the Greek for "blue flowers." This plant prefers full or partial sun.
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Plant Type
Bloom Time
20 cm
Plant Height
1 cm to 1.5 cm
2.5 cm to 3 cm
Flower Size
On This Page
Care Guide
Images of Yellow trailing bellflower
Care Guide for Yellow trailing bellflower
Every week
Full sun
5 - 35 ℃
Ideal Temperature
Yellow trailing bellflower originates from rocky alpine regions and prefers moderate moisture with brief dry spells. It thrives in well-draining soil and requires weekly watering. Typically grown outdoors, yellow trailing bellflower benefits from ample sunlight and efficiently stores water, enhancing its resilience to temperature and precipitation fluctuations.
Yellow trailing bellflower should be nourished with BalancedNutritionFertilizers to promote growth. Apply diluted liquid fertilizer biweekly in the growing season, reducing frequency when dormant. Use 1/2 the recommended strength to protect roots. Water before fertilizing to prevent root burn for robust growth and blooms.
Yellow trailing bellflower features yellow blooms and a trailing habit. Prune in early spring by removing dead stems to promote growth and shape. Light trimming in late spring encourages more blooms. Use clean, sharp tools to enhance airflow, reduce disease risk, and maintain aesthetics.
The yellow trailing bellflower can be propagated effectively using healthy, non-flowering cuttings. Utilizing a rooting hormone and maintaining proper moisture and indirect light aids rooting. Once established, the new yellow trailing bellflower should be transferred to well-draining soil for optimal growth.
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