Tupelo comprise a small genus of trees. The Latin name refers to a Greek water nymph, and the common name, tupelo, stems from Native American Creek words ito - 'tree' and opilwa - 'swamp.' Both names covey that tupelo trees thrive in soggy and wet habitats, with some species requiring permanently flooded habitats.
Tupelo thrives in wetlands and prefers high moisture, requiring daily watering. As a deciduous plant, it sheds leaves annually, affecting water uptake seasonally. Its growth cycle is tied to water availability, making effective rainfall management essential for successful cultivation.
Tupelo propagation involves seed sowing requiring stratification and scarification. Collect seeds in fall; sow in late winter or early spring. Soak seeds for 24 hours, then stratify at 3-5°C (37-41°F) for 90 days before sowing in well-draining soil while keeping it moist.
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