Also known as: Common Large Skullcap, Hyssop Skullcap, Entire-Leaved Skullcap, Helmet skullcap
Another name for helmet flower (Scutellaria integrifolia), a flowering perennial in the mint family, is helmet skullcap. These are particularly apt names because the curved upper petals on the flowers give them a distinctive helmet-like appearance. This plant is indigenous to the eastern United States. Helmet flower will grow best in areas where it’s away from direct sunlight but not too shady.
Helmet flower thrives in fluctuating moisture levels, demonstrating drought tolerance with a preference for moderate hydration. Weekly watering is essential for health, especially outdoors, where rainfall patterns affect natural watering cycles and supplemental irrigation needs.
Helmet flower thrives with balanced fertilizers high in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (N-P-K). Apply monthly in the growing season, reducing in winter. For potted plants, use half the recommended dose. Gradual-release granules support root and flower health; adjust based on plant response.
Helmet flower features vibrant blue flowers and offers medicinal benefits. Annual pruning, ideally in early spring, is crucial for removing dead stems, enhancing growth, and maintaining shape. Pruning by one-third improves air circulation and promotes robust blooms, making it essential for helmet flower's health.
Helmet flower is a perennial herb in the mint family with helmet-like flowers. Propagate by sowing seeds in well-draining soil, ensuring light and consistent moisture. Warmth aids germination. Once seedlings are established, transplant carefully. Regular pruning fosters bushier growth and offshoot propagation.
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