Nutmeg yews are evergreen conifers native to eastern Asia and North America. They have hard leaves with a sharp spine at the tip of each leaf. They also bear a drupe-shaped fruit. In North America, some species are planted as ornamental conifers.
Nutmeg yews thrives in humid, subtropical regions and prefers consistent humidity. Water every 2-3 weeks, letting the soil dry slightly between. Typically grown outdoors, it benefits from mulching to retain moisture during active growth cycles.
Propagation of nutmeg yews includes seed sowing and cuttings, requiring ample light, moisture, and well-draining soil. Key steps: collect seeds in autumn, stratify at 5°C (41°F) for three months, sow in spring, and use semi-hardwood cuttings with rooting hormone in summer under humidity and indirect light.
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