Trichodiadema are small, short-stemmed succulents with flowers that look like daisies, but with red or mauve petals. Native to the southern regions of Africa, these plants have stiff bristles between their segmented sections that make them look similar to cacti. These attractive and distinctive plants are popular with ornamental gardeners.
Trichodiadema is a drought-tolerant succulent from arid regions, thriving with minimal moisture. It requires watering every two weeks and is perfect for xeriscaping and rock gardens. Its fleshy leaves store water, making it ideal for low-maintenance gardening.
Propagation of trichodiadema involves seed sowing and cuttings, requiring bright light, well-draining soil, and suitable temperatures. Cuttings should callous before planting to avoid rot. Select healthy cuttings, dry for a few days, plant in cactus mix, water sparingly, and ensure ample light.
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