Valeriana grow from seeds and the plants produce clusters of small white or pink flowers in the summer. These fragrant flowers attract pollinators, and the plants are commonly used in bee and butterfly gardens as ornamental shrubs. Their hardiness and minimal care requirements make them popular with beginners and plant lovers alike.
Valeriana thrives in moist conditions, requiring consistent hydration and well-drained soil. Weekly watering helps maintain a balance between drought tolerance and moisture needs, influencing growth cycles, flowering potential, and overall health as an herbaceous perennial commonly grown outdoors.
Propagation methods for valeriana include seed sowing, division, and stem cuttings. Key factors are well-draining soil, moderate light, and a temperature of 18-24°C (65-75°F). Division should occur in spring or autumn, while seeds and cuttings require specific care for successful rooting and germination.
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