From Ground: Water the chinese white olive thoroughly a day before the transplant to dampen the soil. Using a garden spade or shovel, gently dig around the drip line of the chinese white olive (the outer reach of the leaves) not to disturb the plant's root ball. Work the spade under the root ball and carefully lift the plant free. If the plant is large, you might need help to lift it onto the wheelbarrow.
From Pot: If the chinese white olive is potted and root-bound (the roots are coiling around the inside of the pot), water the plant and let it drain, then lay it on its side. The plant should slide out with a gentle tug; if not, you may have to break the pot. Be sure to handle the root ball and not the stem to avoid damage.
From Seedling Tray: If transplanting chinese white olive seedlings, moisten the soil in the tray a few hours before transplanting. Gently tease out each seedling, keeping as much soil around the roots as possible. Hold the seedlings by their leaves to prevent stem damage.